Retired firefighters share an unbreakable bond forged in the heat of battle, a camaraderie that doesn’t fade with time but instead deepens as they navigate the quieter rhythms of retirement. Though the alarms have stopped ringing and the adrenaline has settled, the solidarity remains—found in shared laughter over old stories, a steady hand offered in times of need, and the unspoken understanding that comes from a life spent in service. A high-quality retirement isn’t just about slowing down; it’s about embracing each day with purpose, finding joy in the simple moments, and continuing to stand together, not as coworkers, but as lifelong brothers and sisters.
We Are The Only Law Enforcement Officers & Firefighters (LEOFF) Retiree Organization That Has Served Washington State LEOFF Retirees Since 1970
We are a LEOFF retiree organization, with a mission to preserve and enhance the pension and medical benefit features of the LEOFF retirement systems. The RFFOW has represented LEOFF retirees longer than any other LEOFF retiree organization in Washington State history.
Make sure and hit the JOIN RFFOW button in the top right corner (or on a cell phone the drop down list) to see the features available just to members and to see what it takes to join together with us.
The RFFOW is made up of retirees just like you and we would welcome you as a new member.

RFFOW — Our Organization
Find out about our mission, methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.
Ready to take the next step? You can become a member of the RFFOW and our cause to look out for your retirement interests — participate yourself.
Pension Law Demystified
Check Out the November, 2024 Pension Law Demystified